Never Enough is available for pre-order.

 Pre-order now to receive:

  • An exclusive early excerpt of the book

  • The Secrets of Healthy Strivers: a guide to the game-changing habits of healthy achievers

  • Messages of Mattering for Parents: scripts to introduce and reinforce mattering at home.

  • Messages of Mattering for Educators: scripts to introduce and reinforce mattering in the classroom.

  • An invitation to my exclusive live Back-to-School Webinar where I’ll share advice and tips from our country’s top psychologists (Lisa Damour, Tina Payne Bryson, Rick Weissbourd, and Robin Stern) about what they’ve done in their own homes to buffer their kids against excessive achievement pressure. I’ll also share the ground-breaking solutions I’ve gathered from surveying 6500 families and interviewing hundreds of parents, students, educators, and researchers throughout my three years of research. 

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